Shane Nicols in the Australian Financial Review reviews Todd, Morrissey, and Alison Moorer this week. In a 10 star review of 'Liars' he says: "His voice is as compelling as ever, masterfully used in ethereal choirs and in a series of pop/soul vignettes that show off different tonal colours. It's a production, masterpiece, a wall of sound he has approached in the past, a vivid and ecstatic mixture of rhythm, seductive synths and layer upon layer of vocals. In all, a new musical benchmark, a What's Going On for the new century". [must confess alway thought WGO was an over-rated album, as is this review for me]
AS for Morrissey's - 'You are the Quarry' he rightly concludes "Anyway, the whole things sounds great - an album of passion, guts and profound class.", and also rightly gives a thumbs up to the new rockier sounding Alison Moorer: seems as sis Shelby Lynne gets more country Moorer is heading the opposite way.
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!