Buffalo News - Jeff Miers - Bjork's new album Medulla has resulted in a few Todd mentions. Jeff Miers in the Buffalo News said
"Medulla is far less eccentric than its surface might suggest. Comprised almost in its entirety of voices -- that's right, no instruments, no guitars, no synths, no sequencers, no insistence of drum-driven rhythm -- the album seems at first a minimalist affair, as if Bjork has reduced her art to its barest essentials"
"There are precedents for what Bjork has done here; Kate Bush and her work with the Trio Bulgarka, as represented on the classic "The Sensual World" record, and Todd Rundgren, who produced the aptly- titled "A Capella" album by layering and multi-tracking his own voice, are useful semaphores in this potentially disorienting little world. But Bjork goes a step beyond both of these artists. In fact, if one is able to hear the voices as instruments free of the text they are delivering, one begins to...
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!