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Showing posts from June 22, 2008

New Todd album 'Arena' out next month

The wait is almost over folks. According to this article on, Todd's new album, entitled, 'Arena' is out next month. Part inspired by the New Cars tour Todd says: "I found myself just going out and doing this sort of guerilla guitar quartet thing around the country and around Canada, So when it came time to make a record, I thought maybe I’ll just continue in that vein and write something that is appropriate to the guitar, since the fans seems to be enjoying it so much" Track listing and cover pic here

The Hold Steady - Stay Positive

I have had a few days to get my ears around the new album and it is one that should be added to your collection. Track by Track 1. Constructive Summer - A piano tinged Rocker that gets things off to a cracking start. It also features the great couplet of 'raise a toast to saint joe strummer / I think he might of been our only decent teacher' 2. Sequestered in Memphis - This album's 'Stuck Between Stations'. Hear that Bruce, hear those HORNS, and just tell me those hand claps are not aimed at the live shows! This is a cracking track, posibibly he album's best. 3. One for the Cutters - I was not really sold on this one the first few listens, but it has grown on me more than any other track. It's a song about a murder and a rich girl that partied with townies: 'when one towney falls in the forest does anyone hear it'. Going to end up a one of the best tracks the band have ever writen. 4. Navy Sheets - Another song that was not grabbing me, and still...

My Bloody Valentine @ the Roundhouse 23/06/2008

The return of My Bloody Valentine was one of the things I was looking forward to and dreading with equal measure. MBV were one of those bands for whom the word seminal is often used, and suddenly after 16 years away, Kevin Shields and co decided that 'Loveless' was not meant to be their last album, so they needed to get back together. The new album is still a way off, but the band decided first to get back on the road. This was the 4th night of a 5 night stint at the Roundhouse, and by Monday reports were already going around aboout just how loud MBV were - and still are. Giving out earplugs to your audience? Not very rock 'n' roll. So were they loud? Of course they were, but it wasn't half as bad as some people would have had you believe- maybe all those maiden, scorpions, priest gigs in my youth had accustomed me to all this. Anyway, yes loud, noisey, and ... very good, but still just missing something. If you eschew the earplugs you could hear the music, and you ...