Michael Austin in his Orlando Sentinel (Florida) article ' How to take wine just seriously enough' has one of my favourite throw away Todd mentions I've seen in a while: " Dogs are funny and wine culture can still be a little too serious, even today. For the people who make it, serve it and sell it, OK. It's your business -- you can be serious about that side of it. But for the rest of us who have no obligation other than to enjoy it and simply appreciate it for what it is, let's keep it fun. Even though wine is one of our greatest creations -- right up there with language, flight, medicine and the music of Rush and Todd Rundgren -- let's not fetishize it." Meanwhile another review for the Runddans album - this time from The Age in Australia. Todd Rundgren is mercurial. In his long career he's been a guitar-shredding rock star, a creator of sublime pop, recording studio wizard, pioneer in the use of synthesisers, he's dabble...
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!