Todd played 3 nights at London's Jazz Cafe this week. I went along to Monday and Wednesday's gigs. It is a venue that holds around 300 people, so is pretty 'cozy' as far as viewing experiences go. A continuation of the dates he'd been doing in the US recently it was billed as “The greatest hits tour his fans have been waiting to see for years.” On Monday night he joked about this, adding if this were really the case the gig would be over after 15 minutes, although he did add that these were the songs he thought fans 'might' like to hear. He certainly cast his net wide album-wise, with 15 Todd and 1 Utopia album covered in the set list. He may have not been playing every fan's favourite songs, but he was certainly trying to cover most of his albums. As a result it covered a wide variety of his career and allowed him to dip in and out of some of the different styles he's used over it – power pop, rock, blues, soul, bosa nova etc. For me, when I see ...
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!