So there is only just over a month to go before the new Todd studio album comes out (or 'drops' as I believe the kids like to say these days). As always with a new Toddd album I am looking forward to it, and at the same time wondering if he can pull another great record out of the bag, as following his last 2 (proper) studio albums Liars and Arena is not an easy task. The new album merges rock with electronica by all accounts, and some of the tracks have surfaced online, but I have resisted the temptation to seek them out and instead will wait for the official release. Even better news is that Todd will return to British shores again to promote the album, and I already have my tickets booked for that in June (in a week where i shall also get to see Rick Springfield live for the first time - his fist uk dates in over 25 years) Let there be Todd ...
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!