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Showing posts from July 20, 2008

Todd on things

Houston Chronicle has a nice piece on Todd talking about the new album, making music (""Now I can lead a sort of normal life, get up in the morning and have breakfast and then go off to a room somewhere and work without me having to become the hermit of Mink Hollow, as it were."), 30 Rock and other things. He also gives some views on his productions: Bat Out of Hell , Meat Loaf (1977): "I thought it was a parody of Bruce Springsteen...I was just chuckling the whole time, and I'm still chuckling. I can't believe the world took it seriously" Skylarking , XTC (1986): "That's one that more people got to hear some than some of the others. Even though it was like pulling teeth, Skylarking is one of my favorite records" Love Junk , Pursuit of Happiness (1988): "There are a lot of bands I thought should be huge, and everybody who's heard them thinks the same thing. Pursuit of Happiness put on a great show and wrote the greatest pop ...

THS - Reviews

The Hold Steady - some of the UK reviews The Guardian (4/5) At times, the bloodlust in Craig Finn's growl gets too thirsty. But it's the album's closing lyric - "Man, we make our own movies" - that reveals the secret of this band's special powers.,,2289926,00.html The Times (3/5) remain less convinced by THS - There is a truth that Finn and Co often hit the sauce but for me, the Scala gig last year was where the music suffered most not the Borderline, which was a fantastic gig. "Everything about the way they play - especially on the rickety uplift of Yeah Sapphire, Magazines and Sequestered in Memphis - invites you to see them as the E Street Band to Finn's Springsteen, so much so that it would be obtuse to resist. As with the E Street Band, instruments are identifiable, but only as the chunks in their dense sonic tiffin. That's the best thing about the Hold Steady." On Finn's talent ...