Well, it is almost time for my favourite albums of 2006 list, but before that I feel that a post covering some of the worst records of the year and maybe one on old classics re-discovered too maybe. So. Worst/Most Disappointing records of the year? Paul Stanley - Live to Win Oh no, tears are falling ... and alas Paul these are not tears of joy. This really isn't a very a good album. A collection of very average pop rock tunes, which thankfully only lasts just over 30 minutes. Panic at the Disco - A Fever you can't sweat out Too clever by half - or at least they think they are. Some amusing lyrics, but the album is just too samey musically. I reckon they have a great album in them, this just isn't it. The Ordinary Boys - How to Get Everything You Ever Wanted in Ten Easy Steps A few years ago the Ordinary boy's debut album ' Over the counter culture' filled me with great hope. A nice mix between the Jam and Ska, blended into jolly pop tunes (good live too). Now ...
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!