It's tempting to say that Bruce should have worked a bit harder on that dream, as his new album whilst perfectly fine, lacks - dare I say it - a certain 'magic'. The problem with the album is unfortunately highlighted by the decision to include a couple of bonus tracks - one of which 'The Wrestler' ( from the film of the same name) is so street ahead quality-wise of anything else on the album it is worrying. Now, I should clarify, that I think this song ranks up there with Springsteen's best, so I am not dismissing out of hand the quality of the rest of the record, some of which I like a great deal: "What Love can do", My Lucky Day”, “Working On a Dream”, and "Life Itself", for example; but it is hard to come away from this record not feeling slightly disappointed. I need to give a quick mention to the first track - Outlaw Pete. Now, it is perfectly ok, but every time it starts I have a blend of the Rolling Stone's - 'Paint it Black...
News and musings on Todd Rundgren & others: What's Todd and What's not!