Well it took me until yesterday to get around to reading the sunday papers, so it's only then I came across Campbell Stevenson's review of 'Liars' in the Observer. Stevenson - a self confessed fan says "I assure you that he's the missing link between Brian Wilson and Prince, between white pop and black soul, boys and girls, cold techno-freakery and warm romance. And that this is his best album for 25 years" [er HELLO A Cappella came out in 1985 ...]
Giving the album four out of Five, he says what "denies this album a five-star review is the standard set of duffers" [ in which he includes the marvelous 'Soul Brother', a song I currently can't stop singing]. He ends the review by saying "to find out whether you need this album, just go along to a small but proper record shop and ask them to play track five, 'Stood Up'. Its massed baroque keyboards, call and response vocals, psychedelic production and insidious tune should bring you to your knees. [Found this track to be more of a grower than a grabber to be honest] If you like it, then buy it, followed by Something/Anything? . . . then everything. Well, almost everything; steer clear of those later Utopia albums. [ He surely CAN'T mean to pop/rock genius of POV and Oblivion?]
Giving the album four out of Five, he says what "denies this album a five-star review is the standard set of duffers" [ in which he includes the marvelous 'Soul Brother', a song I currently can't stop singing]. He ends the review by saying "to find out whether you need this album, just go along to a small but proper record shop and ask them to play track five, 'Stood Up'. Its massed baroque keyboards, call and response vocals, psychedelic production and insidious tune should bring you to your knees. [Found this track to be more of a grower than a grabber to be honest] If you like it, then buy it, followed by Something/Anything? . . . then everything. Well, almost everything; steer clear of those later Utopia albums. [ He surely CAN'T mean to pop/rock genius of POV and Oblivion?]