Saturday's Times had an interview with the wonderful Jill Sobule. Why now? Well after 3 years her last album 'Pink Pearl' has finally got an official release in the UK (Long overdue). Sobule says that a new album should be out in the autumn (in the US at least). She talks wonderfully about how a lot of (US) radio stations refused to play her single 'I Kissed a Girl' . "Back then, girls weren't supposed to sing about kissing other girls, but I could see how hip it was about to become. I have to say, I loved being bad. When I sang I Kissed a Girl, I felt like Ice T doing Cop Killer." It's also funny to hear her talk og her time playing with lloyd Cole's band (and for the record, they were great Live). -"I offered to join as a joke, then he called me up with rehearsal dates". Obviously Todd gets a passing mention as the producer of Sobule's fantastic debut 'Things here are Different' (If you don't already own it - shame on you)
“It’s not rock ‘n’ roll anymore anyway,’’ he said. “What we used to call rock ‘n’ roll – the original term, defined by DJ Alan Freed – meant to refer to a certain kind of music that Chuck Berry and Little Richard and Elvis [Presley] were playing, and it was distinguishable from ‘popular music’ at that time ...What you have now is a pop music hall of fame, and I don’t care if I’m in the Pop Music Hall of Fame or not’’ Todd on why he's not especially a fan of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame as told to the Plain Dealer