The new Kate Bush single "King of the Mountain" was available via the internet in the United States and Canada yesterday, but UK and European fans have to wait until the end of the week or maybe even next week to get hold of the track (well legally at any rate, as i am sure it is available already on the p2p networks) - thank you EMI.
“It’s not rock ‘n’ roll anymore anyway,’’ he said. “What we used to call rock ‘n’ roll – the original term, defined by DJ Alan Freed – meant to refer to a certain kind of music that Chuck Berry and Little Richard and Elvis [Presley] were playing, and it was distinguishable from ‘popular music’ at that time ...What you have now is a pop music hall of fame, and I don’t care if I’m in the Pop Music Hall of Fame or not’’ Todd on why he's not especially a fan of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame as told to the Plain Dealer