The Dallas Moring News had an interview with NIN's Trent Reznor where he mentions Todd. "I remember Todd Rundgren called me and wanted me to do a CD-ROM back when they were this "cool" new platform. And I was like, 'Todd, I really respect you and you've been a huge influence, but CD-ROMs are just stupid.' "
“It’s not rock ‘n’ roll anymore anyway,’’ he said. “What we used to call rock ‘n’ roll – the original term, defined by DJ Alan Freed – meant to refer to a certain kind of music that Chuck Berry and Little Richard and Elvis [Presley] were playing, and it was distinguishable from ‘popular music’ at that time ...What you have now is a pop music hall of fame, and I don’t care if I’m in the Pop Music Hall of Fame or not’’ Todd on why he's not especially a fan of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame as told to the Plain Dealer