My regular reader - yes, that's you Mr Marquis - will be interested in this one from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
Rundgren's voting Hillary Clinton, because Barack Obama's brand of hope "can't get us out of this mess.
"I look at politics as a subset of sociology," he says. "It's about this aspect of people's behavior that involves empowerment, where people are essentially motivated by things that all human beings possess inside them, and is moderated by the social contract." In other words, if our behavior is wired to allow for the Gordon Gecko credo of "greed is good," as the 1987 film Wall Street famously illustrated, "then people will be greedy," Rundgren says. "You can see it in the chipmunk who seems about to make its head explode with the number of acorns in its mouth, and still it's trying to get another one in.
"If you are on the right side of the capitalistic equation, you can talk a lot of people into investing in your company. Then you run your company into the ground and take your golden parachute. Enron cannot be the first time that happened, just the biggest time."