Another year, another Weakerthans gig. After two trips to the Mean Fiddler and one to the Borderline, this year is was a trip over to the Scala. Fellow Winipeger, Christine Fellows opens up the show with some quirky keyboard based songs, followed by some folk from Dawn Landes - who also provided some added comedy value when her guitar fell off mid song. She handled it all very well and with a laugh. And so to the main act.
Regular readers will be aware that the Weakerthans are one of my favourite bands. They are one of the best to come on the scene in the last decade, and in John K Samson they have one of the most interesting lyricists. I have loved all three previous gigs, but this may have been the best yet - certainly the best since the first time I saw them. This was down to a mixture of the band being on form, John's vocals being on form, and the guy at the mixing desk 'getting' the venue and delivering a sound that allowed guitar solos and vocals all to be heard as they should be.
The set was a nice blend of the old and the new: The Reasons, Aside, Plea from a Cat Named Vittute; Pamphleteer, My Favourite Chords, Elegy for Elsabet, Virtute the Cat Explains her Departure, Night windows, Sun in an empty Room, Civil Twilight, Benediction, Tournament of Hearts, Left & Leaving, One Great City, Our Retired Explorer (Dines With Michel Foucault in Paris, 1961), Confessions of a Futon Revolutionist and a couple of others too.
Highlights? Pretty much all of it to be honest. Gig of the year so far.
There are some Photos by iheartmuseums on Flickr of the gig.(hope you enjoyed the gig too!!)
Regular readers will be aware that the Weakerthans are one of my favourite bands. They are one of the best to come on the scene in the last decade, and in John K Samson they have one of the most interesting lyricists. I have loved all three previous gigs, but this may have been the best yet - certainly the best since the first time I saw them. This was down to a mixture of the band being on form, John's vocals being on form, and the guy at the mixing desk 'getting' the venue and delivering a sound that allowed guitar solos and vocals all to be heard as they should be.
The set was a nice blend of the old and the new: The Reasons, Aside, Plea from a Cat Named Vittute; Pamphleteer, My Favourite Chords, Elegy for Elsabet, Virtute the Cat Explains her Departure, Night windows, Sun in an empty Room, Civil Twilight, Benediction, Tournament of Hearts, Left & Leaving, One Great City, Our Retired Explorer (Dines With Michel Foucault in Paris, 1961), Confessions of a Futon Revolutionist and a couple of others too.
Highlights? Pretty much all of it to be honest. Gig of the year so far.
There are some Photos by iheartmuseums on Flickr of the gig.(hope you enjoyed the gig too!!)