Nic Oliver reviews Arena at music OMH and starts by stating "The question any reviewer must apply to a new Todd Rundgren album is simple: is this Good Todd or Bad Todd?" The answer in his 3 anh a half star review is GOOD, describing it as Todd continuing in "the rich vein of form that was evident on Liars". He comments on Todd's "best Bon Scott impression on the hard rocking Strike" - a track which can now be heard on the Todd Myspace site.
“It’s not rock ‘n’ roll anymore anyway,’’ he said. “What we used to call rock ‘n’ roll – the original term, defined by DJ Alan Freed – meant to refer to a certain kind of music that Chuck Berry and Little Richard and Elvis [Presley] were playing, and it was distinguishable from ‘popular music’ at that time ...What you have now is a pop music hall of fame, and I don’t care if I’m in the Pop Music Hall of Fame or not’’ Todd on why he's not especially a fan of the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame as told to the Plain Dealer