With a week to go before the new Todd album hits the stores (digital and otherwise) Here are a couple of reviews:
Something Else
http://somethingelsereviews.com/2013/03/27/todd-rundgren-state-2013/ " As with the best of his music, State — Bon Iver meets the Nazz? Or maybe Nine Inch Nails meets the Buggles? — is neither fish nor fowl, at once diverse and of a piece."
[This also includes link to the amazon site with 20 sec clips of the tracks]
Something Else
http://somethingelsereviews.com/2013/03/27/todd-rundgren-state-2013/ " As with the best of his music, State — Bon Iver meets the Nazz? Or maybe Nine Inch Nails meets the Buggles? — is neither fish nor fowl, at once diverse and of a piece."
[This also includes link to the amazon site with 20 sec clips of the tracks]
" maintains his reputation for eclecticism as it serves up a heady blend of rock,soul and electronica"