William Ruof at The State Press: Arizona State University
reviews Foxygen's '...And Star Power' and comments on the Todd influences:
The album begins with
"Side One, Part One: The Hits; What's the Hook?" full of songs that
are easy going, catchy grooves. After a short intro, the album kicks into lead
single, "How Can You Really?" a bouncy, organ-driven tune reminiscent
of Rundgren's "I Saw the
Light." …We then move into "Side One, Part Two: Star Power
Suite" on which the influence of the Velvet Underground still feels heavy.
"Star Power III: What Are We Good For?" sounds like it is sung by Lou
Reed himself. "Star Power IV: Ooh Ooh" closes out the first side of
the record with an intro straight off of Rundgren's
"It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference." The song leaves an eerie
feeling behind as it fades into silence.