Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Epiphanies: Life Changing Encounters With Music.

New Book: It's a collection of 55 essays previously featured in Epiphanies, a column which has been running in magazine the Wire since 1998, and over that time its contributors have each written about singular moments of musical realisations. 

The Collection includes an essay by Edwin Pouncey (AKA Savage Pencil) on Todd Rundgren's sweet soul music. 

Pouncey, as well as being in bands in his youth, was also responsible for album covers for bands such as the Fall and Sonic Youth 


Jim Marquis said...

Cool, I will have to look for that one.

By the way, just got a ticket to see TR here in Seattle on June 13th.

Scott said...

Cool. Will be v interested to hear how the 'dj' backing approach works for the material. Looks like it'll be autumn/winter before he gets to UK.

Jim Marquis said...

A Facebook friend around my age was excited when I told her he was coming to Portland. I warned her this was probably going to be very techno and not so much Hello It's Me.